Journey's End Update 5!

ESC key takes you to the MAIN MENU, 

W, A, S, D controls character movement, 

SPACEBAR to jump, and 

MOUSE to move view.

E to interact with stone doors.

Changes were made to the checkpoints using light blue emissions, and I added more in critical locations. The portals are fixed so that the camera doesn't collide with the door frames. The rooms that were similar are changed so that there is something different the player encounters. The packaged project has been reduced drastically as well. The file went from 1.7GB to 927MB which is a drastic change. Using the maps in Unreal Engine 5 to find the problem areas in disk space is a great tool to have. The overall emotion is still there but with additions to break up the monotony. 


Journey's End Update 927 MB
69 days ago

Get Game Design 1 Fall 2024

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